In Search of Guardian Angels

Hi Beautiful Souls,

Last summer, a lady contacted me and asked about learning Reiki with me. I explained how I teach and run the course. We set a date for the course a month later. That night, I had a dream and in the dream there was a man whom I felt was connected to this lady. My intuition told me to speak to her about this dream. As the day approached, she contacted me to say that she had changed her mind. She informed me that she had found another Reiki teacher closer to her home. I wished her luck for the future and we left it at that!

Weeks went by and out of the blue this lady contacted me again. She told me that she was unable to go through the initiation – it was as though something was blocking her as she was experiencing negative thoughts.  As we continued to talk, my intuition told me that I needed to meet her in person and my sensing was that she felt uneasy and confused.  We arranged a time and a place and I still felt the man in my dream was important.

The day we finally met up, she explained it was her spirit guides that were causing the blockage she was feeling and that they must have their own reason for this, but she couldn’t explain in more detail what it was.  I instinctively asked how sure she was it was her spirit guides and not imposters and she seemed surprised as she had used her pendulum to verify this.  She went on to explain that she had downloaded what resembled an ouiji or spirit board on a piece of paper downloaded from the internet. She started to ask questions and requested that her guides come forward – she was unaware that these were not her guides.  Alarm bells set off in my head. I set up extra layers of protection and grounded us and asked her to check the pendulum – the pendulum was saying it was her guides – I asked for the pendulum and said a prayer over it – I gave it back to her and asked her to ask again but this time it said it wasn’t them.  With the help of my Spirit Team and the Angelic Realm, we released the two entities from her energy who were pretending to be her guides. The lady said she felt lighter and happier.  The shift of energy was felt immediately, I explained about my dream and my sensing that it was her grandfather.

We discussed the whole experience and we both agreed that others should be aware how real the Spirit World is and that her story be told.

When embarking on any Spiritual work, always ground your energy and put up protection – Archangel Michael is always happy to be called upon for protection and help. If you are in any doubt always ask a trained professional in this field.

Again, the experience was all about her learning and understanding the Spirit World. In her case, her loved ones were looking out for her!!!

With Love and Light xxx

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